Saturday 31 January 2015

Marriage Ministry

If I had not understood marriage as a ministry, I would have not attended a wedding let alone to officiate over it. Speaking to the couple a very short while ago, emphasis was placed on the couples to be obedient to God as a priority obligation in the relationship. That dedication is intended to please God by faith in His service as a family.

Many a marriages had hit the rock of disappointment and frustration even to the point of divorce because this ministry focus had been toyed around with. Other gratifying factors had ruled over or dominated the very essence of the contract arrangement. Things like sexual, selfish material gain and other concealed motives had hindered the reality consummation of marriage as a ministry originally conceived by God Almighty. 

Broken homes must return to this calling for reconciliation to work. Obedience to God is a powerful tool to every reconciliation. Abraham obeyed God by faith, and he was able to depart from his kinfolks and every interest that could have held him captive from following God's instructions. With Sarah his wife they were able to fulfilled the purpose of God in their lives. Isaac was the product of faith ministry dedication. 

All faith project pass through various trials. Faith must never fail; waiting on the Lord is keeping faith alive. Prayer is a devotion; enjoying a determined long stay in God's presence which is the heavenly oil that fuel the faith that is pleasing to God; and produces the will of God on earth as in heaven; that is the expected testimonies to the glory of God!

Family ministry is all about love that looks around to see someone who may be passing through difficulty with the aim of redeeming them from trouble. Preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God by the family is an outreach as of Lord Jesus; healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, raising the dead, setting the captives free etc by the power of the Holy Ghost. This makes the family unit the societal impetus for deliverance. We are meant to set the world free from Satan's bondage!


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