Saturday 31 January 2015


One of the forces the New Orientation attacks is our past. So many histories need a rewrite; that is, a lot need to be completely erased or deleted from the memory compartments of our brains or minds. Ordinary effort to do this will remain to no avail. By human efforts to change, many had ended up more devastated than they started; they had added more ills to their weaknesses.

In the bid to change for better, many have read more books; sought for assistance from people who are considered as authorities in their fields of learning. Unfortunately, we have failed to realize how frail the human best can fail! We have to learn to accept the reality that no matter how brilliant and sophisticated man can be, no one can match with God's ability and authority.

1Cor 2:14 "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

 The libraries of the world can inform and educate us, but they can never transform our spiritual faculties into the divine. We are simply obliged to return to the Manufacturer of the human existence for a renewed mind. Returning to Him enables us gain more access to His nature; taking quality time at His feet can make us product of the supernatural; here we find rest and ease to live a tranquil life style to the glory of God Almighty in Jesus' name!

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