Friday 16 January 2015

The Church ‘Family’ Gamble

If the thousands of believers who troop into the various respective ministries were able to find out what God had purposed for them in life, and were ready to comply to God’s instructions, what a great multitude of profound, distinct and reliable stewards of purposeful ministry there shall be!

The ministers concerned should be bold enough to teach their congregations to discover God’s plan for their lives; and be prepared to let them find access to Him who personally calls, ordains and consecrates us individually into our various intended missionary fields; and this does not necessarily imply to serve God in an ecclesiastical setting as it is the campaign today.

 Many are counting on their fellow men to hire them into the ministry; they want a monthly salary like it is done in the secular organizations. Well, as the wise saying goes; “He who pays the piper…dictates the tune.” 

The minister becomes greatly loyal to their ‘superiors’ than to God. So when the monthly salary fails, they cry not to God, but to their employer! 

I have heard a number of people murmur and worry because the church organization had treated them unfairly. One wonders when such workers will make the needed impact in the society as it is expected of them to do.   

It does not matter where you are located in ministry; you should succeed in discovering your God’s given potential and talents or giftedness so that you can perfectly fit into His eternal plan and purpose in life and calling even within a system (Dan 1:8).

 One should never exhibit false loyalty just because of earthly benefits.
 "Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him." (Jn.6:27)

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