Sunday 25 January 2015

Faithful Partnership

We glorify God for your confidence to accept us as a ministry and to also commit yourself to partner with us. This is actually doing it not unto men but unto the Lord! 

We just want to remind you and encourage you on what you might have already known, for no one has the monopoly of God’s wisdom since His Spirit gives to all liberally or as He wills (1Cor 12:11). 

So partnering with us is not necessarily financial or any material support only; it can be your prayer, encouragement or all of them mentioned and many more; as it is the Holy Spirit only that gives direction to what you must do to please God! 

We are therefore encouraging you to allow Him order your steps of faith as you are set to allow Him use you in this aspect of work through us. And since your intentions are godly and legitimate, you must be prepared to resist the devil because you will be faced with trials in the process, but never give up until your faith in service produce God’s testimony in your life than ever!

As I was praying about our working relationships, I realized that there is need for you to receive the miracle and grace of putting your past far behind. As far as God is concerned, you have a great future, it is His eternal plan for all of us, so whatever is left undone in our lives must be fully accomplished regardless of where we are coming from. 

You must be engaged or continue in fervent prayer/fasting for His grace to abound as we agree in waiting upon Him constantly. For instance, if you had been blessed with children, continue to have access into their lives spiritually in intercession so that their upbringing should be more of supernatural than ordinary. 

In case you have lost any property or any material wealth, God owns the whole wide world and its fullness, so what we may count as losses are never in any way a big deal to Him. You can now by faith relinquish the past earnings and receive His supply according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus; this is beyond the favors of men. 

Every evil dream that disturbs, let it be forgotten, and all God’s sent night visions be remembered all the time for fruitful achievement in Jesus’ Name!

As we look forward to working together in the Master’s Vineyard, once more let Him direct you and conveniently tell us what your commitment will be. You may wish to visit our website etc: and contact on website or email or facebook@ Boiling Point Gospel Centre.  

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