Friday 30 January 2015


Each time God presents a cause for the good of humanity, the devil will always manufacture its counterfeit. All the time the enemy is bent on causing confusion in the lives of God's people; to frustrate their effort to succeed in life according to the will of God. 

When he does that, many people are rendered helpless and fail to seek God to assist them in their lives' struggles. They now consider the devil's crafty suggestion of helping them.

 But when they swallow his bait, only for them to be left unattended to legitimately and find themselves obeying his tricks of rebelling against God. And once they are trapped, they hardly get out of it; so people must learn to keep away from the enemy!

That is the very reason why many people had been trapped into selling out their souls to the devil for fame. In the areas of music, trade or business, fashion, entertainment, sports, politics and career pursuits; the devil had misled many into disastrous lifestyles. 

God sent His Son into the world as a sacrificial Lamb to save people from both the present and eternal destruction and to offer redemptive ways for comfort and contentment; in like manner the devil comes with his form of sacrifices for false redemption. 

That is why lots of innocent souls had committed the blunder of using blood sacrifices or rituals for protection, riches, fame, political power, to maintain the status quo. 

Satan had turned many into heartlessness; they follow his instructions very closely such that stealing, killing and destruction had become their tools for depriving their fellow humans the necessary compassion and assistance. 

Some people had become so loyal to Satan to the point of operating hypocritically; using the devil's approach of help by shedding blood to gain their wealth and prospective means of blessing. 

The use blood resources to construct our roads, bridges, schools, hospitals and other viable developmental projects; and end up using the same structures to steal, kill and destroy. From such flee!

As kingdom citizens, we decree; 'No more of such atrocities in the nations. We frustrate all demonic activities of bloodshed in the Name of Jesus' Name, Amen!!!'       

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