Wednesday 28 January 2015

Globalization Vs Christian Unity

Globalists, ordinary human oriented idealists or optimists preach for worldwide networking in the bid to unite the world. While Heaven bound stewards propagate God’s Kingdom unity as illustrated by Christ Jesus.

John 17:21 “…that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.”

I have come to realize that whatever God gives to men it is for safety both here on earth and eternally; there is always the devil’s opposing and contradictory aspect of it.

God had intended that we are a single united entity; there was one language given to mankind (Genesis 11:5-8). It should be God’s love that binds us together and not selfish motives.

Globalization as a process move into increasing world inter-connectivity may never necessarily agree with the spiritual approach to unity. 

It is tilted to the selfish control of the world’s economy; an intention of making the capitalists rule over the world; encouraging the concept of the poor becoming more poorer and the few rich remaining on top of wealth and the  global resources. 

They want the whole world to accept and be united in this demonic concept of economy; while God’s kingdom principle regarding economy is purposely directed to a lifestyle of equality and sharing.

On the area of leadership, we are all brothers (Matthew 23:8:12); if one is rich he should not concentrate on such riches but to become a liberal giver thereby storing wealth in heaven for further blessings beyond the ordinary or what the world’s strategies can offer (Luke 12:33,34).

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