Saturday 31 January 2015


The hopelessness that show on the faces and general behaviors of the younger generation is a very clear evidence of what had been offered to them from the various backgrounds they come from. The world's perception and concepts of success had been deceptive and traditional orientations had well misinformed these young potential instruments for transformation; and we are seeing the repeat of the unfortunate mishap over the decades.

The deception of false hope in just ordinary success or achievements had been off tract. Right from childhood almost all of us had passed through unbearable disciplinary methods with an aim to make us famous or achievers in life. In the process of these orientations, we had become only imitators, photocopies and parasites to the so-called successes of our ordinary human counterparts. Many great futures had been thwarted as a result of this misleading orientations.

The New Orientation here is meant to reverse Satan's deception in many lives and to have the new products of faith in God than in man's abilities and inventions. We have a mandate coming from above, and we cannot take this divine calling for granted; His grace had been bestowed on us never to fail nor disappoint God Almighty in Jesus' Name!

We call on all Christians to make a resolve before God and by His special grace we shall in prayer closets with much determined zeal to wait on Him for the reverse of Satan's oppressiveness to God's power to set free the young generation from further ruins! We will certainly gain divine visionary focus and trust Him for extraordinary faculties in all areas of endeavors and commitments.            

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