Monday 26 January 2015

Spiritual Growth (1)

Growth is necessary for all kinds of developments. No one can be skilful or an expert in any field without going through the process of growth. Growth is therefore a process of change from a lower level into the higher; or changing from being inferior to superior; a developmental process from obscurity to reality. You may wish to check the dictionary meaning of the word; but permit me to stick to this definition.

If there must be the required change as a result of growth in our spiritual lives, we must be prepared to undergo a process or orientation that differs from the usual or the obtainable; something different from what we are used to. We must also accept to go through difficult terrains in the voyage of growth!

Spiritually, many Christians are used to simple and ordinary daily devotionals; others, the usual family prayers; some are constant about Bible study either personally or cooperate in the church and so on and so forth. 

We have also learnt to follow our denomination’s doctrinal instructions, thereby concluding that we are passing through a process of spiritual growth; that is from attending Sunday School lessons, various church fellowships, training in the church’s children, youth and some sort of par-military activities like the Boys’ Brigade, Girls’ Guild, Royal Ambassadors and the like. 

All these are intended to provide solution to one’s spiritual growth. Even in what we consider as regular and usual, many do not accord them the attention required.

Other aspects of the pursuit for Christian maturity had been sought through the methods of attending a Bible School, Pastors’ College or the Seminary or any sort of Bible Training; all with an ambition of attaining greater heights spiritually. 

Many have concentrated on conferences, seminars and workshops for the same reason. Others had roamed about from one ministry to another for the same intention. 

Others had spent time and resources to travel for pilgrimages so as to acquire some miraculous spiritual blessings. In fact, the list of such hunt, demands and requirements for spiritual growth can be inexhaustible. 

In fact, all these seem to represent religious enthusiasms which do not threaten the enemy from carrying out his atrocities in the Christian. May we receive the Spirit's wisdom to acquire the gifts for the relevant growth in Him.  

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