Thursday 29 January 2015

Resist the Devil


The devil ruling the world had taught people mishap orientation of stealing, killing and destruction (John 10:10a). That is why many had taken after rebellion and disorderliness. The misrule of world politicians is nothing but the characteristics of demonic connections. It is unfortunate to say that the church had suffered from the spill over of this downgraded dismal!

Hardly will you find a face to face fierce opposition against the devil from  church people. Many a Christian had laid down their weapons of warfare by acting the cowardice retreat; behaving contrariwise against the octave melody of God's power to deliver; they had become the tools  of satan's deception making others believe that all form of miraculous graces are from the demons also.

How can the Christian deny God's power to heal, deliver and save? How can we allow the kingdom of darkness drawn our faith to that level? We just have to return to God in  fervent prayers and fasting in order to regain our capacity to resist the devil with the required boldness and he got to flee away from us.
James 4:7 "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."


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