Saturday 7 February 2015

Adulterated Anointing

An automobile’s tank filled with adulterated fuel can never run smoothly. During fuel scarcity, motorists had always ran the risk of purchasing mixed fuel with other oil products thereby causing jerking or unsmoothed movement of the vehicle.

All Christian service that does not run purely by the anointing of the Holy Spirit stands the risk of going short distances or inconvenient movement. Some believers called into ministry only rely on the oil of other ministers; while others imitate their counterparts with the hope of achieving the same results like them.

It is either a total faith in God to supply the ministry power necessities or a frustrated journey entails. Where to find clean oil for the smooth running of God’s assignment in one’s life is a constant reference made at the closets. Prayer without ceasing produces unadulterated anointing for ministry.

In fact, the more you pray; that is the prize paid for the quantity of fuel to receive; the more the fuel the further the journey; the more the journey goes uninterrupted; the more so much is covered in a successful ministry.       

Luke 9:62   But Jesus said to him, "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

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