Saturday 7 February 2015


Christians are God’s representatives on earth. We defend the course of heaven on earth. That is why we were given the Lord’s Prayer; “…Your will be done on earth as in heaven…” It means, Christians are responsible with the fine tuning the earthly environment into a type of heavenly arena.

Therefore wherever Christians find themselves, they should remember to focus on doing God’s will there. For instance, if a Christian is found in an educational institution, he should employ himself into a ministry of transforming the working force and reshaping the learning discipline of students. As kingdom citizens we should portray heavenly manners to duty and responsibility.

Recently, I have been seeking God’s favour for the taste of heaven in my earth form. This earthen vessel needs a heavenly touch on a constant basis to be able to contain a substantial content for miracles. Without the heavenly endowed ability, the earthly effort will be characterized by insurmountable degree of pains, disappointments and struggles.

Ministers of the gospel in many quarters are faced with unfulfilled ministries; and yet they are not ready to pay the prize for a change. They keep complaining for lack of financial support and other necessities for a successful and effective work. 

But the earth will never be in contact with heaven as long as the people of God do not desire it and make the necessary effort to possess it. Experiencing the heaven’s touch requires a constant reach from us; that is always found in the place of intercession where the Holy Spirit is employed in helping us out of our infirm conditions.

Mark 1:10 “And immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove.”        

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