Wednesday 18 February 2015


There are several stewardships that are without an aim. Many had found themselves doing it because they had seen others doing that way. We cease to imitate wrong focuses the moment we discover what God had sent us to do on earth.

As we follow the Lord Jesus Christ our faith leader; it implies taking after His purposeful ministry. “…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” (1John 3:8). This involves overcoming the devil.

We must be determined alongside our Lord Jesus to keep abreast in the deposing Satan out the world. To topple the enemy of God from tormenting His people requires a fierce kingdom enforcing Spirit; forcing him to loose his grip over many souls he had taken captives.

The church has an assignment in the healing, deliverance, and blessing ministry; failure to follow after the footsteps of Jesus Christ to this regard makes Him very unpopular to the world. It is now God’s best time for the church to truly represent heaven here on earth!  

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