Tuesday 3 February 2015


No relationship works without intimacy; husband and wife, business partners, a friend to friend relationship or any kind of relationship; they all need to grow into intimacy or never will such ties last.

A relationship to an intimate point requires a dedicated approach to make it work and sustained. A constant getting in touch between the parties concerned is important; this means, communicating with one another on a constant basis; at all cost, each party wants to be pleasing to the one another. Failure to keep to terms with the laid down procedures to the relationship will lead to a misunderstanding which also could result into a break in communication. And the relationship suffers setback in intimacy.   

As Christians, if we must succeed in walking with God so as to effectively work in His vineyard, we must seek to make our relationship with Him work. It is not in what we can do for God that matters in ministry, it is the relationship that we keep with Him. An intimate relationship is called for to prove how much we love God.

Our intimacy  with God is established and sustained in the place of prayer. The longer one stays in prayer, the tighter the intimacy with God and the more effective the ministry success to the glory of God. In the secret place of intercession, the hidden things of the Spirit are revealed. The mysteries of heaven are made manifest openly when quality long hours of being in His presence had been spent.

Ministers should stop confusing God's people with long theological sermons which do not express God's intimacy emanating from their lives. God's presence should be felt as we approach the people we minister to. When one spends long hours studying his seminary and denominational notes and books, you will end up presenting a self organized lecture and leave the congregation in much chaos than you met them.

Much prayer in the Spirit is the secret of effective preaching. What you do not have, you give nothing. Peter and John said to the cripple at the gate beautiful; Acts 3:6 "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk."

They had always been with Jesus in the closets, they now had Jesus to offer to the cripple and the man had an encounter with Jesus by  the power of the Holy Spirit through Peter and the ailment left instantly; followed by the unbelievable testimony to God's glory!

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