Tuesday 10 February 2015


There had been so much motivational teachings around us that had created awareness of the reality of personal potentiality within us to make all things work for us if appropriate steps were followed. But the only deficiency with success pursuits by self effort is in the inner human weakness without the running of the Maker Himself.

When God is involved in all affairs, they are bound to succeed. Even when failure still seems to persist, and God is not outside the scene, it is still success! This is greater than what any motivational thinking can offer.

I am more than confident to offer a much reliable awareness to those who are faced by various challenges of life. Whatever the trial, it should be known that the devil is responsible for all calamities. And we have received power from God to overcome the devil.

We are guaranteed favor whenever we pray. Whoever prays in faith receives. Our deliverance from the devil’s attacks is not only shouldered on some special people to minister to us. As God’s sons and daughters, we have clear access to His Throne of LOVE and Mercy. Believe God in Christ Jesus, and be free from all demonic setbacks.  

Utter the followings in faith and trust Him for your freedom:
·    * I am anointed by the Holy Spirit’s Power; I therefore free myself from all traces of darkness in my life.
·        The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, He is all over me, He is all around me, and so I put an end to shame and disgrace against me.
·        *    By the new Covenant in the Blood of Jesus, I resist the devil with all agents of stealing, killing and destruction against my life.
·     * The grace of my Lord Jesus, the LOVE of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost keep me company always and forever. I am above all vices of Satan.
  *  You can now use these points and develop your deepest heart’s desired prayers to God in Jesus’ Name

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