Thursday 5 February 2015


A policy according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s  definition is; “a definite course or method of action selected to guide and determine present and future decisions”

The policy for God’s Government administration is clearly stated in the Kingdom Constitution, the Holy Bible! The teachings of our Lord Jesus form most of the Kingdom guiding principles which we are to follow and apply in God’s Government mission. Until the church deliberately resolves to be restored to seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, the results of the toils will remain unfruitful.

Doing this implies a new orientation of a complete turn away from the world government methods of administration. That is why we have as a mandate to draw the attention of God’s people to the new creation policy that will finally settle all fundamental issues of life. Amazingly, this stands as the truth forever.

In God’s Kingdom we need no judges, lawyers or any form of judicial structure. Why? Because here all of us must love one another unconditionally; always ready to forgive to avoid resentments, bitterness, and hatred. (Matthew 6:14,15;  Mark 11:25-26; Ephesians  4:32; Colossians  3:13). The unforgiving spirit is only identified with the rebellious; they need judges and advocates etc of the world to judge their cases; and being worldly, their judgments at times are faulty!   

In God’s Government, secular institutions of learning are unnecessary. Why? Jesus did not attend a school in His earthly life. But at the age of 12, He amazed the intellectuals of His time (Luke 2:46,47). And at His different discourses, His contenders were confounded by His authority and knowledge (Matthew 7:28; Mark 1:22; Luke 4:22,32; John 7:15,46). The Apostles were known to have endowed with such knowledge that was never obtainable in worldly learning setups (Acts 4:13). Their contenders had to conclude that they were the intimate associates of Jesus Christ… Well, Brethren, Let us resolve back to our Origin!  

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