Sunday 15 February 2015


Whenever you see the caption or hear the announcement “BREAKING NEWS” from the television and radio respectively; even on mobile phones, such information can be disseminated; it tells that something unusual had occurred! Most times, they are terrifying happenings; a heart breaking or wounding story.

The New Orientation, as you may be conversant with by now, is a channel for forcing out the world’s mentality, which includes being bound to unpleasing information dreading affair from the reach of people. If the frightening news spread becomes our preoccupation; faith in God is interfered and denied with.

Today, the world mentality had taught people to own world receiver radios, satellite channels, internet and any form of media gadgets to always enhance this lifestyle.

Instead of waking up in the early hours of the day to pray; many had become habitual world news viewers or listeners. God, in this kind of scenario is so much dishonored and disregarded of His Kingly role over our circumstances. The Bible is given no priority at all.

How can the church increase spiritual maturity when people are only and constantly fed on garbage? The devil had used the bad news inclination to make people think they are important in society; you can see many hanging by at the vendors’ points just to have a glimpse of the day’s headlines on daily news papers; and they had heaped them in their homes for necessary and easy references.  

The church should quit this unprofitable engagement and seek the GOOD NEWS of God’s Kingdom as we are admonished in the Bible. What we must understand is that, whether we are informed by the world this way or not; it does not change anything for better.

Let us take heed to God’s Word less we be found lost in the net of imposters; these are Satan’s agents of misleading the world to “…endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.” (2Tim 4:3,4)            

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