Sunday 1 February 2015


The devil seeks to accuse Christians concerning their spiritual dedication; this is with an intention to cage them and keep them in perpetual imprisonment. This is also meant to confine the disloyal believer in the path of destruction and eternal damnation.

Christians are called through the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. The calling is for God's service in Spirit and Truth for the glory of God Almighty. We must be ready to become products of heavenly testimonies here on earth.

The devil is aware of how this arrangement can devastate his own wicked vices. And so he keeps on hunting potential instruments of God's Kingdom advancement to relegate their ministries to a malfunction state. This is spiritual imprisonment.

Some churches and ministries had been turned into the devil's concentration camps where innocent souls are caged for his final annihilation.

When a Christian can no longer feed beyond the church's confinement circle, he becomes spiritually malnourished because of deliberate starvation from God's Word. This is like a donkey tied to a tree and can not move beyond the circle of its bondage.       

We must help many to be freed from this dangerous spiritual trend. Churches and ministries must be loving enough to consider the release of God's people from the dungeon of manipulations; the wicked tendencies of teaching them abominable doctrines of man made traditions than the truth according to the scriptures.

People must learn the truth that sets them free and not denominational creeds that keep them in spiritual bondage. People of God must not be used as tools for ulterior benefits. They must be freed for God's intended services in their lives.


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