Friday 13 February 2015


Thanksgiving had become a common phenomenon; it is expressed in various life celebrations. Most of the time, the church is the venue for all kinds of thanksgiving services.

It is amazing that people can use any celebrative event in the house of God with the pretext of giving honor to Him. Because the celebrants and the officiating ministers have some egocentric intentions, the evil involved is ignored.

Come to think of it, should there be anything called ‘the memorial thanksgiving service’ of the dead in the church? What about things like ‘marriage, birthday, coronation or chieftaincy, retirement, etc thanksgiving or anniversary services?

Ordinarily, nothing evil should be seen to associate with all these; but when one considers the church people’s societal lifestyles, the conclusion is not farfetched; obviously, the world order had whispered and introduced these methods of thanksgiving festivities into the church to promote Satan’s destructive activities.

To prove the worldliness in the matter, you will see people of all beliefs and backgrounds in high attendance. These people will never be a party to any spiritual walk in whatever way in the church. And in addition, there is never any of such merriment recommended in the Bible. Where is this coming from? Find out yourself!

True thanksgiving is offered to God Almighty only with the aim of worship and service in Spirit and Truth. People hardly celebrate their salvation from sin, Satan and death. They hardly party because a lost soul; a drug/alcohol addict, prostitute and many who were bound by all manner of sinful habits are reconciled to God.

I believe there are many meaningful reasons to thank God for in the church, rather than all these perishing fetish earthly achievements.   

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