Sunday 8 February 2015

Commercial Christianity

God's Kingdom had suffered several abuses over the decades. One of the profoundest is the commercialization of the Christian faith. Money making had taken the centre stage of many ministries. 

There are legitimate reasons for the need and use of money in the church. But when the demands become typically selfish, then God is never honored by it. 

When Church leadership fail to look at their responsibilities purposely for the improvement of the brethren and the saints, then the devil begins to control their motives. Many had spent millions of dollars improving on religious structural edifices than on the saints and the brethren. 

Of recent, we have learned of ministers owning personal jets, universities, commercial centres, and other money advance outfits. All these, in most cases at the detriment of the 'members' of such ministries.

The Lord Jesus in His Kingdom discourses gave emphasis of loving one another; this implied that Christians should pay closer attention to pleasing others than self. 

For instance, if a ministry owns a university, its sole aim should be to improve on the welfare of the peasant brethren amongst them. But in most cases, the contrary is the story. Poor parents of the same ministry who contributed in building the institutions are laden with heavy burdens of school fees of their wards.   

There are many instances where church authorities should had been a blessing to their fellow Christians. They had always preferred making exorbitant gain on the weak and destitute. I have noticed others owning centres like orphanages, rehabs, and other help oriented outfits.  But many had improved on their personal welfare than the rehabilitated themselves. 

We are seriously obliged to caution and provoke one another to good works. Any ministry found wanting in any of these or other ares not mentioned here should adjust their priority and ensure the true representation of God's Kingdom on earth; love being the leading focus.

 Matthew 21:13 "And He said to them, It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you have made it a 'den of thieves.'"

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