Sunday 8 February 2015

The Marathon Prayer Race

There are many biblical references that talk about prayer as a serious spiritual commitment. One of them is, Pray without ceasing. An enduring relationship with God demands for a prayer lifestyle likened unto a marathon race. Though a race has starting and finishing points, prayer carries a kind of an eternal quest, it may have a starting  point in the Believer, but ultimately drives  into an endless eternity.

As a non-stop Christian assignment, prayer should be fueled by enabling strength of the Holy Spirit. No prayer life succeeds without the deliberate consciousness of God’s Spirit. The gift of the prayer language should be fully employed for a lengthy groaning tempo.

Many Christians have never discovered the joy of intercessory ministry. They look at prayer as a laboring stress. When we are committed into the Spirit walk, prayer becomes interesting and joyfully rewarding.

In the prayer race, many things are wrapped up in it; worship, praise, thanksgiving, petition, standing in gab for the world as God’s agent for change and so and so forth. You can spend so many hours on a daily basis remaining connected with heaven in the prayer service. The more you pray, the more you receive the grace to fast as well, and as you fast, it increases fervency in prayer.

At the Boiling Point Gospel Centre today, this task is taking a profoundly radical dimension. Miracles, signs and wonders and amazing testimonies form the cradle of consistency in ministry.  The many hours of race had proved this beyond doubt. So join the race now, we do not have to start at the same time, where ever your point is now, just start there.  LET US KEEP GOING!!!       

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