Wednesday 11 February 2015


The half filled content in a container contains a vacuum. The vacuum can only be covered with additional content. When the container or vessel is filled to brim or overflowing capacity, the content had totally occupied it. The vessel that is filled to overflowing capacity, the content gives a spill over to its surrounding.

The impact of God’s Kingdom is not felt that much in the world today because the Christians had not allowed the Baptizer to fill them with the Holy Spirit to the overflowing capacity.

We have always desired to be used by God so that we can fulfill the scripture that says in Luke 19:13;
“And he called his ten servants, …and said unto them, ‘Occupy till I come.’”   

Let us not work with wrong interpretation of this Bible verse. This has nothing to do with our world political involvement. We know this because of the way Jesus responded to the plight of His Jewish disciples on whether His Kingdom was to free them from the control of Rome over them. (Read Acts 1:6-8)

If we are half-way filled, the vacuum is occupied by the ingredients of man-made political ideologies; there is no way we can be used by God to rule over the world.       

This occupation has to do with the complete infilling of personal temples with the Holy Spirit; the infilling to overflowing capacity splashes over the world around us. This will imply the impact of God’s Power to rule through us. For this to happen, the believer should allow himself to be set apart and consecrated into an equipping capacity to reign with God through Christ Jesus here on earth.

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