Saturday 14 February 2015


Every believer called Christian is expected to be just like Jesus. The believers were called Christians first at Antioch (Acts 11:26) for their exact Christ’s behavior. The Christians bear Christ in them, so we are bound to make the difference in society. Good Christians make a good society!

To make our Christian service perfect, just like Jesus, is an obligation:
    Preach the gospel  - Just like Jesus (Mt 4:23)
·       Heal the sick        - Just like Jesus (Mt 19:2)
·       Cast out demons  - Just like Jesus (Mt 8:16)
·       Cleanse the lepers- Just like Jesus (Lk 17:14)
·       Open blind eyes    - Just like Jesus (Mk 10:52)
·       Let the lame walk  - Just like Jesus (Mt 12:22)
·       Restore the bowed  - Just like Jesus (Lk 13:13)
·       Feed the hungry    - Just like Jesus (Jn 6:12)
·       Still the storms       - Just like Jesus (Mk 4:39)
    Supply by miracles - Just like Jesus (Lk 5:6)
·       Teach with power  - Just like Jesus (Mt 7:29)
·       Discern the heart  - Just like Jesus (Mt 9:4)
·       Do not condemn   - Just like Jesus  (Jn 8:11)
·       Escape attack       - Just like Jesus (Jn 8:59)
·       Serve others         - Just like Jesus  (Mt 20:28)
·       Forgive all            - Just like Jesus  (Lk 23:34)

There is more to “Just like Jesus” ministry the believer should embark upon. And when this is done faithfully, do you think we will need any world government to supervise us by their rule of injustices? 

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