Tuesday 10 February 2015


Whoever falls on the ground and fail to rise again likely needs help. When the hand of assistance is rendered and one is still motionless, then there is serious problem.

The Christian voyage is characterized with insurmountable upheavals; some call them ups and downs; others term them as falling and rising. But all can be overcome.

We all make mistakes. All mistakes are meant to draw us closer to God than running away from Him. We are all responsible with what to do with our lives. We should never apportion blame to people when we fall into difficulty. We should insist to find solutions to the predicaments around our lives.

The mentality of staying in perpetual sin is a backsliding hangover that must be resuscitated. Do not give up if the lifestyles of those you have trusted have betrayed your confidence in them. We are to rely on Christ Jesus alone who remains the Author and Finisher of our faith. Look up to Him alone knowing that no man’s high spirituality is good enough to sustain your faith in God.        

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