Friday 6 February 2015


Evidently, the devil had taken many people captives into his net of killing luxury; you know good times though essential for ease and contentment, yet it causes serious danger to living both here on earth and eternally if it is handled carelessly. The moment enjoyment grows to excesses certainly it becomes a severe ailment to life.

For instance, can you imagine someone who was opportune to own a car; and due to being bankrupt of a disciplined leisure lifestyle ends up sleeping with women in the car which was meant to be a blessing to him, family and business.

There are those who never tasted beer before, but because they had made little money, they had joined the company of the drunks in the bid to impress the world, and gradually the enemy of their souls; watching closely to ensure the habit increases into a degrading excess.

Others without adequate spiritual sensitivity had been locked in self-confidence, despising God’s strength to strengthen the weak; trying to prove their expertise of self effort had found themselves in the lowest ebb tide of destiny. You will see that in the way they go about their daily affairs; sweating and tiring to prove their ability of strategies and hard work; only at the end of the day throw away or lavish toiled into the waste basket.   

Hundreds of young people going after the order of the satanic perspective of living, had joined the world of darkness; seeking to appease the destructive ancestral spirit’s and doing obeisance to the host of the gods of the underworld, rather than trusting the Lord who should guide them as the Way, Truth and Life.

Lots of stories in the neighborhood tell of the waywardness of people whose primary aim in life is the search for all means of pleasure. The wicked one is very keen in his devouring moves; he is mindful of such motives, so he keeps enticing them into riotous habits. It should be noted with all seriousness that the end to all these things is eternal damnation!

 Eccl 11:9,10 “Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart, And in the sight of your eyes; But know that for all these God will bring you into judgment. Therefore remove sorrow from your heart, And put away evil from your flesh, For childhood and youth are vanity.”

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