Saturday 28 February 2015



Have you ever wondered what Christianity’s focus should be? As one browses through the chapters of the Bible, you will see numerous subject matters addressed. You can as well conclude that the Bible is so rich with so much.

If one is not careful, you can get totally lost into the deep sea of this wealthy Holy document. It must be acknowledged though, as a source that is able to handle all fundamental issues of life.

Truly, out of this Book, you will find a solution to a bitter and resentful heart; in it you will encounter power by the Holy Ghost; out of it you can derive wells of wisdom and knowledge beyond ordinary human intellect; in the Bible are sure certainties for true, holy and meaningful lifestyles. There is nothing the Bible; God’s Word does not know how to manage.

But what do you think all these blessings are meant for? In simple heavenly expression; all is for the salvation of souls. This is the actual essence of the gospel of the Kingdom of God.
 The sick are healed for the salvation of souls.
·       The blind see, for the salvation of souls
·       The demons possessed are freed for the same purpose.
·       The rebellious are changed for the salvation of souls.
·       The prostitutes are liberated for their salvation.
·       The heathens are transformed for their redemption.
·       The poor are enriched for everlasting life.
·       The rich without God are blessed for their salvation.

·       The drug addicts are freed for the salvation of souls.
·       The alcoholics are delivered for salvation.
·       The mentally disordered are freed for their salvation.
·       The hungry are fed for the salvation of souls.
·       The naked are clothed for their own salvation.
 The list is endless, all for the salvation of souls and the glory of God Almighty who makes the provisions as a means to draw millions into His Kingdom on earth and of Heaven.       

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