Friday 13 February 2015


Lives’ priorities are too important to be sought for with uttermost diligence. If one’s priorities are not set right; wrong ones can lead to frustration and disappointment in the future.

If the cart is set before the horse, movement will be abstracted. It is the horse that draws the cart and never the other way round.

It could become a life time mistake and regret if wrong choices are made at the initial stage of one’s life. What should determine one’s life time priority setting?

We are God’s unique creation; each one of us is a distinct personality to Him. Each of us is divinely intended to be great in His sight; and not by the assessments of the world. Many had sought to attract peoples’ attention and commendations and ended up being abstracted.

Let God Almighty by the Holy Spirit orders your steps in career or business choices and decisions. Let His will be done and not just what you have interest to do on the basis of what is obtainable around. Let the horse draws the cart!        

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