Monday 16 February 2015


Damaged instruments do not function properly. Any form of disorderliness negates perfect performance. Every faulty structure is not fit for accommodation. A faulty system always causes disorganization. No unity can be found in an unruly and disintegrated community.

A damaged human being caused by sin, needs total Spiritual repair. No repair for unrighteousness can be found outside of Christ Jesus who is God’s sent. Every conventional or normal form of repair can only worsen the malady of the spiritual state of a person.

Many potential stewards of God’s Kingdom had lost divine ability for dreams, visions and revelations. This is because their tutorship had been severed in the same dilemma; the blind leading the blind.

There must be a total resolve to get rid of a sleepy and coma state of ministry for spiritual headway to be encountered. A determined desire for change is necessary for the expected repair to take place.

Every patient who resists the doctor’s prescriptions will never find adequate treatment. So also spiritually, we must never despise the Spirit’s agitations to pray unceasingly. Solutions of all kind shall avail so much beyond utterance.               

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