Thursday 12 February 2015


A motorist trapped in a traffic hold up, has the hope of getting out of it than the one who jamb behind a parked truck.
Our journey in life is determined by the way we cruise on the high way of destiny. One who is set for a trip has no doubt of his destination; or else the voyage turns aimless.  

There are many whose journey is directed by the motions of others. They cannot do anything without the opinions of others. They lack personal initiatives due to inner intimidation of fear and unbelief. Their ordinary human counterparts count as mentors and masters.

A person’s ability is delayed from fruitfulness due to a lack of divine connection or link. Once we are not linked with God, we become vulnerable and therefore the power of God by His Spirit to propel us to His intended plan in life is short circuited. And as one drives along the high way of life, our view to the future is covered by other motorists, and the worse of it, one stands blocked by a parked truck.

The person you count on as a mentor without God is that parked truck. The master who cannot bail himself out of the world’s woes, how can such pave the way for an accomplished future to anyone?  

Friends, get out of the tract of the confused world. Find direction from your True Master the Lord Jesus who makes all who believe in Him a master piece of life to His glory and honour!

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