Thursday 12 February 2015



“Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God… to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph… The virgin's name was Mary.” (Luke 1:26,27)

Among all the virgin girls of her time, Mary found favour before God to be instrumental to the birth of the Saviour of the whole world. There must have been the reason for the special attention to Mary. The speech of the angel sent to her spells it out this way; "Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" (vs28)

If a maiden’s life acknowledges God’s presence at all times, what was said of Mary will be spoken of her. It is obvious that many of our Christian daughters had turned against God in their tender age, and this had brought unfavorable and untold scenes to them.

It is very unfortunate that many in our society had lost the desire to godliness. Even the highly valued traditions of the elders in many communities had been exchanged for immorality due to selfish reasons. And so our dear sisters had become victims of whoredom.

There are many examples of Mary in the Bible and in our time. May our Merciful God deliver our female children and youth from all sexual immorality; and let them preserve their womanhood with holy virginity to His glory and honour!

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