Sunday 1 February 2015


Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must

believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

Faith has to do with diligent God seeking; to search for the mystery of God with earnest commitment. Faith drives one to seek or want to come to God; one comes to God because of the assurance of His reality existence; God's presence is sought for with definite enthusiasm, with a clearer belief that there will be an experience as an encounter to influence one's life.

We consider Abraham of old as the father of faith. He obeyed God wholeheartedly, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill what He had declared as a promise to him. But after ten years of his departure from his father's land, the promise was still yet unfulfilled. Then Sarah his wife was impatient because of her barrenness. So she sought for an option contrary to the plan and timing of God. She offered her maid to the husband to give her children. It did not take long when the wrong alternative proved disastrous!(Gen 16:1-6)

Sometimes faith in God requires along period of patient waiting. No matter what should constitute obstacles or hindrances, one should insist on trusting God. Obstacles could come in the form of discouragement from other people, from one's best friends or acquaintances; discouragement may come as a result of long waiting and fear of failure; this should not stop the power of working faith in God. Never should the man of faith think of an alternative measure in having his needs met according to God's riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Here, prayer is to play an important role. Insist on unceasing intercession and supplication in the Spirit (Eph 6:18). The longer hours you have in the place of prayer, the more the strength is derived for endurance. Prayer of faith in the Spirit will help you never to quit God's presence until your miracle comes.

Do not divorce your spouse  because of a marital challenge. Do not enter into an unfaithful relationship because of discontentment with a spouse. Do not seek for ways to cheat other people just to make ends meet because you have tried and failed. You know the other options are always there listed for you to run to, but do not change your confession and direction or focus in God; stay glued to faith and God will soon reward you as a diligent seeker!           

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